How to list JSON data in a div using jquery?


Viewed 109 times


Friends, I have the following JSON:

"codigo": "12345",
"cerca": "Rato",
"host": "df",
"eventos": [
        "data": "21\/02\/2020",
        "hora": "19:38",
        "local": "Moema\/SP",
        "status": "Morto",
        "subTim": [
            "Um dia sem PC"
        "data": "21\/02\/2020",
        "hora": "18:29",
        "local": "Tatuapé\/SP",
        "status": "Meio vivo",
        "subTim": [
            "Quatro dias sem PC"
        "data": "21\/02\/2020",
        "hora": "18:09",
        "local": "Anápolis\/GO",
        "status": "Só tonto",
        "subTim": [
            "Dois dias sem PC"

I can correctly load some JSON data into the form as well with JS:


What is the correct jquery way to list "events", with "date", "status" and "subTim" in a #registered div in the form ? Example:

Occurrences: My code: 12345 / Fence: Mouse / Host: df

Event1: 21/02/2020 19:38 / Status: Dead / Subtim: A day without PC

Event2: 21/02/2020 18:29 / Status: Half alive / Subtle: Four days without PC

Event3: 21/02/2020 18:09 / Status: Only dizzy / Subtim: Two days without PC

Thank you so much for your attention

1 answer


Buddy, the code is a bit plastered. You can do better (more dynamic). But take a look and see if it suits you. Any doubt, you warn in the comment, I try to improve something. You could adapt better according to your need. That answer was just to give you an idea of where to go.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-BR">


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  <div class="d-flex justify-content-center" id="teste">
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      <p id="p-teste-3"></p>

    let json = {
      "codigo": "12345",
      "cerca": "Rato",
      "host": "df",
      "eventos": [{
          "data": "21\/02\/2020",
          "hora": "19:38",
          "local": "Moema\/SP",
          "status": "Morto",
          "subTim": [
            "Um dia sem PC"
          "data": "21\/02\/2020",
          "hora": "18:29",
          "local": "Tatuapé\/SP",
          "status": "Meio vivo",
          "subTim": [
            "Quatro dias sem PC"
          "data": "21\/02\/2020",
          "hora": "18:09",
          "local": "Anápolis\/GO",
          "status": "Só tonto",
          "subTim": [
            "Dois dias sem PC"

    let codigo;
    let rato;
    let host;

    let evento_1;
    let evento_2;
    let evento_3;

    $.each(json, function(index, value) {
      if (index == "codigo") {
        codigo = "Ocorridos: Meu código: " + value + " / ";
      if (index == "cerca") {
        rato = "Rato: " + value + " / ";
      if (index == "host") {
        host = "Host: " + value;

      if (index == "eventos") {

        $.each(value, function(chave, valor) {
          if (chave == 0) {
            evento_1 = "Evento 1: " + + " " + valor.hora + " / Status: " + valor.status + " / SubTim: " + valor.subTim[0];
          if (chave == 1) {
            evento_2 = "Evento 2: " + + " " + valor.hora + " / Status: " + valor.status + " / SubTim: " + valor.subTim[0];
          if (chave == 2) {
            evento_3 = "Evento 3: " + + " " + valor.hora + " / Status: " + valor.status + " / SubTim: " + valor.subTim[0];

    codigo += rato;
    codigo += host;




  • I used jQuery (as you requested) and Bootstrap (I only used to line up there, for the laziness of doing in CSS, rs). I hope it suits you.
  • It worked perfectly Gambi, my last question about: How does it look instead of Let json, to load this same json data from an external url? Let url = "https://.... ? the remote url response structure is the same.

  • @Anacavalcante , I could not answer before, because I was blocked by the absurd reason of vote manipulation. But you have already solved your problem ? You can do this your situation with Ajax.

  • 1

    Gave straight @Gambi, your response was of great help. Thank you.

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