With the code below I get only the final answers, how do I print each step?
def funcao_volume(x : float):
return 4*(x**3) - 1014*(x**2) + 62370*x
def calculate_alpha(delta: float):
numerador = delta*(5**(1/2) -1)
return numerador/2
def calcuatex1(b : float, alph: float):
return b - alph
def calcuatex2(a: float, alph: float):
return a + alph
def abs(a:float, b:float):
if a>b:
return a - b
return b - a
a = 0
b = 105
resp = list()
erro = 1
it = 1
#Iniciando o processo
while erro > 0.001 or len(resp) < 1000:
delta = b - a
alph = calculate_alpha(delta)
x1 = calcuatex1(b,alph)
x2 = calcuatex2(a,alph)
v1 = funcao_volume(x1)
v2 = funcao_volume(x2)
if v1<=v2:
a = x1
b = x2
erro = abs(a,b)
it = it+1
resp.append({"it": it, "erro":erro,"v1":v1,"v2":v2,"x1":x1,"x2":x2})
#printando o ultimo resultado
print (resp[-1])
Thank you very much!
– Laura