I am trying to make a sum in a select case, but apparently it is not valid, the following error appears " ORA-01858: a non-numeric Character was found Where a Numeric was expected". when I remove the "+1" from the code works, but I need it kkk
select case
when to_number(to_char(data,'D')) < to_number(to_char(to_date('01-jan-'||to_char(data,'RRRR')),'D')) then to_number(to_char(data,'WW'))+1
else to_number(to_char(data,'WW'))
end AS Semana_Certa
from production
Hello to you, Matheus! I tried to reproduce your mistake but I could not, I took your query and replaced the "date" with "sysdate" and includes the clause "from" (I think you forgot it) and ran without problems, give us more details so we can help you.
– Eduardo Teixeira