Windows does not find R environment variables running shinys by . bat(batch) or shell files


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I have a Shiny saved on the network that I make available to users through shortcuts that run Shiny by shell on Windows (the shortcut is a file. bat on desktop to user)

I have some access passwords in this Shiny that I saved as environment variables, and when running Shiny with these credentials in windows by shell, it does not find the environment variables.

Is there any way windows find the environment variables saved in R through the usethis::edit_r_environment ?

The idea would be to run Shiny without having to leave all credentials in the script, for security reasons.

  • The variables you created are only seen on the computer where you created them. If users access this "Shiny" through a bat through the network they do not see these variables.

  • but even on my computer, where I created Shiny and saved the variables, when using . bat, windows does not find the variables

  • How you created the variables?

  • created with usethis::edit_r_environ()

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