Load php file with jquery


Viewed 41 times



First of all I apologize if the question is not well structured.

I’m building a content/stock and similar management system.. I leave below a print screen where I try to explain how this structured folders/ directories.

In the index.php file I have the following:


In the root/system/functions.php file I have the following functions:

function getLang(){
  if(!empty($_SESSION['usuarioID'])  == '' ){
      $lang = $_GET['lang'];

      $_SESSION['lang'] = $lang;
      setcookie("lang", $lang, time() + (3600 * 24 * 30));
    } else if(isSet($_SESSION['lang'])){
      $lang = $_SESSION['lang'];
    } else if(isSet($_COOKIE['lang'])){
      $lang = $_COOKIE['lang'];
    } else{
      if(getSystemInfo('site_lang') == ''){
        $lang = "pt";
      } else {
        $lang = getSystemInfo('site_lang');
    include_once 'lang/lang.'.$lang.'.php';
  } else {
    $lang = getuserinfo('lang');
    include_once 'lang/lang.'.$lang.'.php';
  DEFINE('langTag', $lang);

function corpo_main(){
  if (!isset($_SESSION['usuarioID'])) {
  } else {

In root/lang/lang.pt.php or lang.en.php I have the following: (among other translations)


In the root/js/main.js file I have:

getPage = function(page,title){
  $( "#main-panel-body" ).load( "control/loader.html" );
    $( "#main-panel-body" ).load( "sistema/corpos/"+page+".php" ); 
  }, 2000); 
  document.title = title;

In the control/body.php file, I have a DIV With the main-panel-body ID, when I replace the contents of this div, through the jquery I show above, by the contents of the root/system/bodies/users.php file, does not load the php variables that the users.php file has, as for example translation variables. Issues an error.

I leave down the error:

Warning: Use of Undefined Constant users - assumed 'users' (this will throw an Error in a Future version of PHP) in

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


Hello, good night!

So this is not actually a MISTAKE, but a warning from Attention, you are probably using a version PHP that does not accept but the definition of constants in this way.

Current code example:

define("title", "Stack Overflow");
echo constant("title");
  • It doesn’t solve. I fixed what you gave me, and now it returns the error Warning: Constant(): Couldn’t Find Constant Users In

  • Colleague, you are saying that you did not enter the Users constant, you do the following, put the user code.php

  • No. I don’t. The user.php code is none for now. You only have an html table and nothing else.

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