How to check if a string contains a word


Viewed 716 times


I wanted to know how to verify if a string exists a word, for example, I have two conditions for a situation the professional string can contain Medico or Paisanamedico. I wanted a north or way to check if the string "professional" contains "Pasaina", below an example of what I imagined

local profissao = GetUserJob(user)
if profissao has "Paisana" then
 print("funcionario fora de serviço")
 print("funcionario em servico")
  • 1

    This is Javascript?

  • 2

    Because three languages were placed ???

  • 1

    Specify your problem more clearly, put only related technologies.

  • pq whatever if the answer is in any of these languages, I just wanted a north...

2 answers


Look, you can put your sentence in a variable to check it later...

let profissao = 'Meu texto aqui contém paisana';

then Voce creates a variable for response, together checking the word with .includes

let result = profissao.includes('paisana');

includes this checking if there is the word 'paisana' within the professional variable

let profissao = 'Meu texto aqui contém paisana';
let result = profissao.includes('paisana');


then just check if the answer is true or false.

if (profissao)

it returns (true), the word plainclothes exists within the professional variable.

to change the status, just update the professional variable that does not contain the word paisana. I hope to have helped.


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