Using the version 1.15.3-pre.37
Edit the file: window_configuration.h
in the briefcase windows
and change as per the example:
const wchar_t *kFlutterWindowTitle = L"Titulo Minha Aplicacao";
const unsigned int kFlutterWindowOriginX = 0; //posição margem esquerda
const unsigned int kFlutterWindowOriginY = 0; //posição top
const unsigned int kFlutterWindowWidth = 1200; //Largura
const unsigned int kFlutterWindowHeight = 768; //Altura
Using the version 1.19.0-2.0.pre.73
it is already possible to define within the application:
import 'package:window_size/window_size.dart';`
setWindowTitle('Meu app');
const frame = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 1200, 768);
I can access these constants in Runtime? Or will the application obey only what was set in that file? ~~ I want to use the desktop, but it seems to me very unstable yet and without many functions
– Matheus Ribeiro
@Matheusribeiro I believe not, I have not yet had this need to modify at runtime, as you said is still very unstable but I can already use enough thing,
, etc..– rubStackOverflow