.val() does not work on the textarea tag


Viewed 63 times


I’m taking a data that is in an attribute of my select-option (date-observation), so far so good, however when I try to pass this value to my textarea the value is not printed, just on the console, anyone knows explain to me why that? Follows the code:

 <select name="modelo" id="modelo" class="form-control">
   <option value="" selected disabled>Selecione</option>
   @foreach($modelos as $modelo)
    <option value="{{ $modelo->id }}" data-observacao="{{ $modelo->corpo}}"> {{ $modelo->titulo }} 

 <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 mt-3" id="div-observacao">
  <label for="">Observação</label>
  <textarea class="form-control" name="observacao" id="observacao" rows="3"></textarea>
function removeTag(dataObservacao){
    dataObservacao = dataObservacao.replace("<p>","");
    dataObservacao = dataObservacao.replace("</p>","");
    return dataObservacao;


$("#modelo").on("change", function (event) { 
    let dataObservacao = $("#modelo").find("option:selected").data("observacao");
    dataObservacao = removeTag(dataObservacao);

  • 1

    Here it worked normal. Now, since the textarea has an id, you can use it in the selector: $("#observacao") instead of $("textarea[name='observacao']").

  • Remembering that the script should be at the end of body... See this Fiddle how it works properly.

  • I agree with Sam. If in the console you are printing the value and not in the field. He is not finding the textarea object[name=note]

1 answer


The value is not printing because the textarea is not an input, but an element, you cannot simply set a $('textarea').val(); you need to exchange what is inside your content that way.

//Arqivo JavaScript

	var valor = "Algum texto somente para completar a text area";
        //Eu estou pegado elemento pelo ID do textarea que eh #alpha

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<textarea id="alpha"></textarea>

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  • It worked, thank you very much!!!!

  • You can close this topic by evaluating this answer as correct. I’m glad it worked.

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