Innerhtml function doesn’t work?


Viewed 170 times


I am using the view engine handlebars, however, when I went to manipulate DOM elements, it continues with the value given to it by the exhaust, follows the code below:

monitor page.handlebars:

<script src="/monitoramento.js"></script>
{{#each result}}
<div class="container mt-5">
    <h6>Bomba 1: <small id="bomba1">{{bomba}}</small></h6>
    <h6>Bomba 2: <small id="bomba2">texto aqui</small></h6>
    <h6>Caixa D'Água: <small id="caixa">texto aqui</small></h6>
    <h6>Cisterna: <small id="cisterna">texto aqui</small></h6>
    <h6>Temperatura: <small id="temperatura">texto aqui</small></h6>
    <h6>Pressão: <small id="pressao">texto aqui</small></h6>
    <h6>Data: <small id="data">texto aqui</small></h6>
    <h1>Não foram encontrados registros!</h1>

Small script monitoring.js for manipulating DOM elements:

var bomba1 = document.querySelector('#bomba1')

if (bomba1.value = 1) {
    bomba1.innerHTML = 'Bomba ligada'

why doesn’t it work?

NOTE: In the root file of the project I put the path to the static contents.

  • 1

    In the if you are using a wrong operator on bomba1.value = 1, when it should be == or ===. Behold in this topic the difference between them.

  • Your if is assigning '1' instead of comparing if value is equal to '1'. Use operator '==' or else the same strict operator '==='.

  • I didn’t even realize this mistake I made I will implement here and I already give the answer...

  • I tried to implement here, but continues to give the same result, it does not replace the element :/

  • Look on the console for possible errors.

  • in the browser console shows the following error: monitoring.js:3 Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'value' of null don’t know why but ta giving value "null"

  • You don’t seem to have set VALUE for the element with id "bomba1". Try putting a VALUE on it, which I think your IF will work.

  • It is because vc is loading the monitoring file before the elements. When you try to run the line var bomba1 = document.querySelector('#bomba1') the element #bomba1 doesn’t exist yet.

  • i imported the script below any code and set VALUE for the bomba1 variable, even though it didn’t work I left the variable so: var bomba1 = document.querySelector('#bomba1').value

  • in the if I left so: if (bomba1.value == 1) {&#xA; bomba1.innerHTML = 'Bomba ligada'&#xA;}

  • @Teuuz1994 you did the compile in the Handlebars?

  • I haven’t used handlebars in a while, I even looked at the documentation but I didn’t understand it very well

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1 answer


Apparently, what’s preventing your code from working is because you’re not using the method compile Handlebars. So the solution is simple:

First, try to bring your files from <script> always at the end of the body of your HTML. Then, what I did was assign a variable template the method compile of the library, as reported in the documentation:

var template = Handlebars.compile("{{result}}");

Then your code would look like this:

    var template = Handlebars.compile("{{result}}");

    var bomba1 = document.querySelector('#bomba1')

    if (bomba1.value = 1) {
        bomba1.innerHTML = "Bomba ligada";

If you want more information, take a look at the Handlebars library documentation:

Hope I helped, hugs!

  • OK I will implement here and I already speak the answer, still it was worth even friend

  • I did everything but here it didn’t work, and I don’t know why in my browser console appears that this Handlebars was not defined: Uncaught ReferenceError: Handlebars is not defined

  • got! worth to everyone who might take some of their time to help me it worked here it wasn’t working because I had forgotten to import the handlebars into the page body with a script

  • That’s it! If you have any more questions, just call :D

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