Future of Javascript, how can I know about possible language innovations/abilities?


Viewed 99 times


It is a fact that Javascript has grown a lot in recent years and has become bigger and bigger, but what would be the paths to stay tuned in relation to the new Ports?

We have the MDN

What are the official locations of new Features proposals?

How to know the schedule for accepting/deleting a new Feature?

Although not a technical question, it makes sense because the community needs a map.

  • Maybe this https://www.ecma-international.org/news/index.html and this https://ecmascript-daily.github.io/ ... I’m voting to close, because even q the question is interesting, it’s not really the place to ask, remembering that you can use the official chat site https://chat.stackexchange.com/Rooms/11910/stack burst...

  • ... Still, I need to say, with or without news, a lot of ES6 from now on, in syntax, seems like strings, and could easily write the same in ES5, a lot of things is pure fashion. Now about the Apis, you need to understand that even existing in the specification (Ecmascript) does not mean that browsers will support ready, it’s very likely that many implementations take time, and you have to note if it is "Draft" (draft), because not everything that this in idea still means that it will be approved in the ECMA.

  • I usually not negative, only when the question is a typo or is SPAM, now vote to close I voted, and I even answered in the comments, I see no answer beyond what I have already commented, I do not understand what you expect, the question is not a doubt with algorithms, language and neither software, so it is not scope, but I will formulate a response before someone comes and answer any or copy the comments and answer, pq unfortunately (although few) this sometimes occurs.

1 answer


First you need to understand that it is not because a new function, method, API or syntax are set that this will exist magically in all browsers, define something only says as something should be, who define neither creates the internal implementation, ie do not encode anything, however do not think badly of them, it is grace to them (I will soon quote who they are) that differences between browsers were being diminished.

Javascript and Ecmascript

Almost everything we need to talk about this I explained /a/80001/3635, please read first, so I’ll give a brief summary:

  • Netscape (company), at the time with the browser of the same name created a dialect to make the browser more dynamic that had 3 names, the last Javascript (nothing related to Java)
  • Microsoft to not leave its browser behind created an equivalent called Jscript

Summarizing each company had its dialect/language, similar but not equal, so then came Ecmascript a dialect in 1997, ie the languages of both browsers and other browsers adhered to Ecmascript, but of course still each (and new) implemented their own functionalities, Apis, etc.

Okay, so even though we call everything Javascript, it’s not necessarily this, it’s just popular to call it, maybe like calling a steel sponge by a brand thinking that’s everybody’s name.

How to know what is new

Having understood who and what defines the "Javascripts" of each browser (or "engine", by different browsers can use the same engine, the case of the new Edge, will use Chromium) now we can go to the main point, not because ECMA has released something new in Ecmascript, which you can follow in:

Which will mean that a browser will go right away, the ECMA only defines, whoever develops the engines of the browsers will have to transform the standards into functional code and still may have to adapt this to different operating systems like:

  • Mobiles
  • Macos
  • Different Linux
  • Windows

That is, released on ECMA does not mean you can quit using, so to know when a browser will release the new functionality is only following the Changelogs

Changelogs of major browsers

PS: I would say that not only Javascript, but any programming language, want to see news? So follow the changelog on the official website, this would be more than enough for a reply, only Javascript had to extend because it is a little more complicated to understand.

Chromium-based browser devtools

However for your happiness, if you use Chrome and you are a developer then surely you use Devtools, pressing F12 generally, will notice below a "What’s news", in it contain interesting changes, not all deal with Javascript, many deal with Devtools and even with CSS, but sometimes something appears with Javascript, but depends on what was released, example:

devtools mostrando novidades

In Opera, Edge (new), Vivaldi, Bravo, etc., which are based on Chromium, all will present the same, but of course not everyone will follow Chrome or Chromium in time, however later will go through exactly the same

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