C# files I need to send to the client (put in an installer for example)


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Good night,

Which files are required in my EXE distribution?


The briefcase pusblish is because I clicked to publish once to test and now it is always generated every Debug or Release (If someone knows how to disable it can be commented please)

App.application -> is also part of Publish

O . exe -> logical has to go

App.exe.config -> I don’t know exactly what it’s for, but I shouldn’t go

App.exe.manifest -> I think it has to do with the Assembly of the EXE

App.pdb -> stores the Debug information

xml info. -> This I really created, has to go

The rest (dlls and xml) would be project dependency (EXE) and have to go along

Above put some I think, because although I think it does not need to go along, I’m putting because when I try to run the EXE without them, ends up giving error Sometimes it is not when opening the EXE, but when using, already leaving the files I think you do not need, works normally.

If everyone is needed, please answer there, and would like to know the reason exactly if possible. Thanks in advance

Netframework 4.5, using VS 2019

  • Making an installer is totally different from making a Publish to create a "zip" to distribute the application. What is your goal??

  • I want to make an installer of my application. I for example am using Inno setup to put all these files in the installer.

  • With respect to the issue of difference I did not understand very well. From what I saw in VS 2019 Publish aims to generate an installer also ... Although it is simple more generate, even with the update option (something I will also need), in the Publish folder generates an installer and not simply a "zip" to distribute. Maybe I didn’t understand well, but in my view Publish is also for the installer issue, only I ended up finding it limited (or I didn’t know how to use it well) so I returned to the Internet

  • If you do not have an installer project in your solution, no installer will be generated. As you say there is, then edit your answer and report what you have and what you have already tried to do. Without adding this information it is impossible to know what you have and what you want.

  • @tvdias I don’t actually have the installer project. This option of Publish has on VS 2019 (community version) ... just click with the direct button and click on Publish

  • Are you sure this Publish will generate an installer!? Also, specify in your question the version of the framework that is used.

  • Yes, it generates an installer. I changed the question with the information, I just couldn’t think of what it would help :)

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