Display negative days in calculation between dates


Viewed 57 times


I’m doing a list of accounts receivable.

To get interactive, I’m creating an IF to show when it’s near.


Shows no negative date, which would represent overdue invoice.

In this case the low image, today are 08/02/2020, the tag that should be shown, is the Vencido.

mostrando resultado errado


if (data[5] == null) {
  hoje = new Date('<?= date('Y - m - d '); ?>');
  data = new Date(data[4]);
  diferenfa = Math.abs(data.getTime() - hoje.getTime());
  nDias = Math.ceil(diferenfa / (1000 * 3600 * 24));

  if (nDias >= 8) {
    return '<span class="label">Faltam ' + nDias + ' dias</span>';

  } else if (nDias <= 7 && nDias >= 3) {
    return '<span class="label label-warning">Está proximo</span>';

  } else if (nDias <= 2 && nDias >= 1) {
    return '<span class="label label-sm label-yellow">Amanhã</span>';

  } else if (nDias == 0) {
    return '<span class="label label-info">Hoje</span>';

  }else if (nDias < 0){
    return '<span class="label label-info">Vencido</span>';

} else {
  return '<span class="label label-success">Pago</span>';


How can I ride these ifs so that it works correctly?

1 answer


The biggest problem seems to be the adopted formula. I did not use the function abs() that removes the signal. If the result is expired it is negative, with this function any negative number turns positive, then it does not fall in the if correct.

I changed some things to make the test easier, but others was just code simplification.

var hoje = new Date(new Date().toDateString());
var data = new Date(new Date(2020, 1, 7).toDateString());
var nDias = Math.ceil((data - hoje) / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
if (nDias > 7) console.log('<span class="label">Faltam ' + nDias + ' dias</span>');
else if (nDias > 2) console.log('<span class="label label-warning">Está proximo</span>');
else if (nDias > 0) console.log('<span class="label label-sm label-yellow">Amanhã</span>');
else if (nDias == 0) console.log('<span class="label label-info">Hoje</span>');
else console.log('<span class="label label-info">Vencido</span>');

I put in the Github for future reference.

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