I’m having trouble analyzing the 2019 school census data in R.
I read some things on other forums and chose to use the ffbase package that deals with very large databases.
Using the command below I can download the base in R:
matriculas<- read.csv.ffdf(file="MATRICULA_NORDESTE.csv",header=TRUE)
The problem is that I can’t work with her after, for example, trying to run:
Is returned to me:
"Error in gsub(varre, varsub, es) :
expressão regular inválida "
Could someone help me? The idea is to create a smaller base (selecting only UF 27 so I can work on it like a normal csv).
Thank you in advance.
Difficult to answer without a sample of the data, but try to use
CO_UF == "27"
– Carlos Eduardo Lagosta