How to search a letter in a string with Golang?


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I need to take a user string and check if 1) The first letter begins with i or I 2) The last letter ends with n or N 3) If string theme letter a or A in the middle.

I started writing something like this, and I used the string package but the program keeps giving error

func main() {
    var s string
    fmt.Println("Type a word")
    //procurar na string
    verificaA := strings.Contains(s, "A")
    verificaa := strings.Contains(s, "a")
    num := len(s)

    if s[0] == 'i' || s[0] == 'I' {
        if s[num-1] == 'n' || s[num-1] == 'N' {
            if verificaA == true || verificaa == true {
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Not Found!")

1 answer


I don’t know where you intend to use this code, but an alternative solution would be the use of regular expressions.

package main

import (

func main() {
    s := "IiiiIiII    a   A    NnNnN"
    matched, err := regexp.MatchString(`^(?i)i.*a.*n$`, s)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("found: %v\n", matched)

PS: If you are going to use this code in a "tight loop", you better compile the regular expression with regexp.MustCompile for more performance.

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