Reporting Services does not bring line with zeroed values


Viewed 16 times


I am making a report of the students' status by course modality, where I need to display a matrix, even if all values are zeroed. By filtering a certain course, which does not contain the "Distance" mode, the line that should appear with all the zeroed totalizers, simply does not appear because I am grouping by mode and type of audience, and when adding the Row group the reset line is simply not displayed in the report. When deleting the grouping the line is displayed, but I lose the Audience information. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Is there a way to display the groupings even with value 0 in the lines? Follows below the screens:

Row Group:

Without the Row group:

With the Row Group (simply add the Distance mode line):

1 answer


I managed to resolve leaving the fixed texts of the modalities and types of public, and in the number of vacancies I inserted an if. For the Internal public I put:

=Iif(Fields! nme_tipo_publico.Value = "Internal",Iif(Fields! VAGUE.Value = 0,0,Fields! VAGUE.Value),0)

For the external audience, I replaced the value "Internal" with "External. I did this for all matrices and it worked.

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