Is it possible to make Vscode "Responsive" Workspace equal to Sublime?


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When using Vscode on half screen 2, creates a horizontal scroll that shows what’s beyond the right margin. It doesn’t exist in Sublime because it adapts to the screen size 1. It would be possible the same action in Vs?

1 answer


You have to enable Word Wrap us Setting, so it will "break the lines" and will not have this scroll horizontal

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Or if you prefer you can use the shortcut to enable and disable the Word Wrap. On iOS is Option+Z in Windows I believe it is Ctrl+Z or Alt+Z has to see in your Shortcurt as it is defined...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    There’s also this toggle wordwrap option in the View menu, which is how I use it

  • @Isac good! I didn’t know I could change for another place ;)

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