Framework Javascript Extjs would be the best option for large projects?


Viewed 476 times


I wonder if someone has experience or great knowledge about the Javascript Extjs framework or some equivalent.

The goal is to know if the same is recommended (recommended = best option) for websites (large websites such as virtual stores and portals, for example) and also for the development of a medium/large size system.

The goal is to use FREE tools, because the language to be used will be PHP.


Specifying the question:

In addition to Angularjs and Jquery, where these are among the most used, I would like experiences on other good alternatives to use besides these. At first the Extjs had called my attention, so I quoted him in the question.

The goal is to acquire knowledge of good alternatives both for the development of the system (back-end) as for the part of the site itself (front-end).

Thank you for your answers!

  • 1

    Depending on your application the license may not be free. - look here too;

  • I would recommend the Angularjs to communicate with PHP. If you want, you can also use Primeui to replace Extjs widgets. If you want, there is even an extension to join the two Angularprime.

  • There is no better, if you want a multiscreen-based interface and "windows" style, yes, extjs might be one of the options. you quoted online store, is the store itself? is the administrative panel? what exactly? any js framework can help you with that.

  • for the license, extjs can be used in opensource projects, just as @renatoargh showed

  • ah, also depends on the team and everything else, the answers Low, all were based on opinions.

  • I didn’t. Very interesting!!

  • The objective is to provide alternative tools for the administrative panel and for the website itself.

  • Anderson, if possible read this article of our goal to understand how to further improve the question. Thank you!

  • My goal in the question was only to know according to the practical experience of who will answer which Framework was used that was successful, because theories and opinions is the most found on the web. If this is not an issue that agrees with the forum, please let me know that I will delete.

  • Hi Anderson. I do not know if it is the case to delete the question, it is still possible to edit informing the particularities of the Extjs that interested you. It seems to me that the main problem is that it is difficult to indicate any tool without being very clear what is the problem you need to solve with it. It is not enough to know that this is a "large" site, you would need to take into account its particularities. And that’s what the first sentence of the Edmo answer says.

  • My goal was to search for tool options (whether framework, library or suite of components) in javacript through good experiences and not theories or opinions. It would not be a plugin or small thing for a specific site, such as DHTMLX and Angularjs would be options already known to me, but would be in search of others. As it was not possible through this, it will stay the way it is because I tried to exclude and could not. I thank you for the attention.

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1 answer


It will depend on what exactly this project (website or website) will need.

In other words frameworks like Angular, Jquery, Backbone and among others have their values there and I speak for own experience because work in a project that is not big is giant with restfull architecture and we use only angular + jquery. And serves us.

Before deciding your framework see what really Extjs has that you did not find in any other. I don’t really know him well, but from what I know for large projects by code organization, I would quickly tell you to use Angularjs.

Even by support the community of Angular is more and more with followers, Extjs as I said I do not know well.

Positive points of Angularjs:

Possible use of Client-side testing.

Automatic Binding. All changes made to both the view and model are automatically applied to both.

Purely declarative template. Simply add directives to the HTML code, this improves the readability of the template.

Unlike other Apis, it is not mandatory to extend the framework classes in the model definition. This gives more freedom to the developer.

Modular architecture. This allows the creation and use of independent and specific modules in certain functionalities.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • 1

    Very good placement: "...see what really the Extjs have that you did not find in any other...". The angular I already know, but the idea is this same; of alternatives to the project.

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