How do you translate this English excel formula into Portuguese?


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The formula is this:

= IF (E2 = 1, SLOPE (OFFSET (E2,0, -1, ninbox, 1), OFFSET (E2,0, -4, ninbox, 1)), ””) 

I’m using the following, which is not working:

= SE(E2 = 1; INCLINAÇÃO (DESLOC(E2;0;-1; ninbox; 1);DESLOC (E2;0; -4; ninbox; 1));””) 

I know the arguments of the SE function, is of the form:

= SE(logical test; [true value];[false value])

DESLOC function:



SLOPE(known val_y; known val_x)

But I didn’t quite understand the function of ;"" in the formula.

  • 1

    And what comes to be nimbox? The function deslocamentoexpects to receive the height at this position. Perhaps the original spreadsheet has a cell named with this name. As I recall Excel accepts the functions with the English name.

  • It’s just a column named that way, buddy.

  • I don’t know if it was just a transcription problem for Sopt, but this ending should be "". What you don’t understand is an empty string that will be displayed if E1 is different from 1.

  • 1

    What do you call "not working"? What is the error?

  • The default message of "We found problem in formula appears"

  • The ;"" is the false part of SE. Basically Voce has something like SE(E2 = 1; INCLINAÇÃO(...) ; ""). In other words, if the E2 cell has the value 1 you put the slope, otherwise it leaves the cell empty. And by the way, watch out for the quotes that are supposed to be normal quotes and not those quotes from the word.

  • It was the quotation marks, thanks!

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1 answer


I believe error is occurring due to quotation marks, where it has to be in this format: ""

I did it here and it worked, I just switched the quotation marks and the ninbox for 2:


Example with ninbox:


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