How do I extract the number of orders with 5 different items? I have this query but it is coming out a different result than expected


Viewed 69 times


SELECT DISTINCT(pedidos.id_pedidos),produtos.nome_produto
FROM pedidos
    INNER JOIN itens_dopedido ON itens_dopedido.id_pedido=pedidos.id_pedidos
    INNER JOIN produtos ON produtos.id_produto=itens_dopedido.id_produto
WHERE nome_produto = (SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT(id_pedido)) >= 5));

Results are coming out with 4 different orders and 1. Can anyone explain to me what is going on? Because I don’t understand.

  • What is the purpose of your query?

  • Consider using the clause HAVING. It is the typical problem to which it applies.

2 answers


If you only want the order quantity that has more than 5 items, just use one subquery that counts the amount of itens_dopedido and be compared with the number you want:

SELECT COUNT(1) AS quantidade
  FROM pedidos p
          FROM itens_dopedido i
         WHERE i.id_pedido = p.id_pedidos) >= 5
  • I’ll do it here, thank you very much :)

  • @vivianearaujo if the answer has met you do not forget to mark it as correct, so people with similar doubts may benefit from your question.


In fact you are doing some things wrong, in Where you are comparing product name_a random sum. You also need to use the requested itens_do_table, I made a very simple example with a subselect, I just don’t know in your table which is the "id_item_request", follows example how select should be done:

SELECT pedidos, nome_produto, qtd_itens_diferentes


    SELECT ped.id_pedidos, p.nome_produto, 
    COUNT(itp.id_item_pedido) AS qtd_itens_diferentes

    FROM pedidos ped

        INNER JOIN itens_dopedido itp
            ON itp.id_pedido = ped.id_pedidos

        INNER JOIN produtos p
            ON p.id_produto = itp.id_produto

    GROUP BY ped.id_pedidos, p.nome_produto 

WHERE qtd_itens_diferentes > 5
  • Instead of SUM it shouldn’t be COUNT?

  • That’s right rs, adjusted, I hope I helped you.

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