query with c# and xml


Viewed 34 times



I’m trying to do a c# query using xml but this gives me an error.

someone could help me?


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"C:\..\WindowsFormsApp10\stores.xml");
        var xpath = "//store[Color='Pink']";
        var result = doc.XPathEvaluate(xpath);
        textBox1.Text = result.ToString();


error: this appears in textbox: "System.xml.Xpath.Xpathevaluator+d__1`1[System.Object]"


<store rollNumer="170">

<store rollNumer="120">

Thank you

  • without collecting the xml there is very difficult to help..

  • What you want to appear in the textbox?

  • Managed to solve your problem? What you want to put in the textbox?

1 answer


For framework documentation, the method XPathEvaluate returns an object that can be a bool, one double, one string or a IEnumerable<T>.

An Object that can contain a bool, a double, a string, or an Ienumerable.

Whereas you take yours result and puts in a TextBox, I assumed you were expecting a string. So you could do var result = doc.XPathEvaluate(xpath) as string;, but without knowing XML it is really difficult to check if there is another problem.

Complete code:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"C:\Users\cesar\source\repos\WindowsFormsApp10\WindowsFormsApp10\stores.xml");
    var xpath = "//store[Color='170']";
    var result = doc.XPathEvaluate(xpath) as string;
    textBox1.Text = result;
  • xml is like this code <Stores> <store rollNumer="170"> <Name>Jonh</Name> <Color>Pink</Color> <Sell>Sugar</Sell> </store> <store rollNumer="120"> <Name>Tedy</Name> <Color>Brown</Color> <Sell>Rice</Sell> </store> </Stores> and I’ve also changed Color='Pink' but not yet Thank you

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