Mock and inject a service class at the same time


Viewed 49 times


I have a spring test class that in some cases I want it to behave in the normal flow, that is, when it is done a findAll() hitting the repository it returns the value it selects from the embedded database, in another flow within the same test method, I want when findAll() to return a mocked value. I need it to be done that way because I want to simulate two concurrent processes and test a specific business flow. I used an example of what the mock would be like, but that way it doesn’t work.


Class Test{

  private Service service;

  private Repository repository;

  public void teste(){


class Service{

 private Repository repository;

 public void metodo(){

   Entity x  =  repository.findAll();



1 answer


If you use @Autowired you will not mock the values, you will follow the normal flow, in case you search for data in the database. You have to use @Injectmocks and @Mock

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