Read files in python


Viewed 129 times


good... I have a file with the following things :


and the following code :

arq = open('system/commands.txt','r')
arquivo = arq.readlines()
for l in range(0,7):

palavra = input('Digite a palavra : ')

if palavra == arquivo[l]:
    print('certo !')

and wanted to know how I do when I type the word that is written in the file it appears the print('right'), in case the above command is not working and wanted to know why !

the command goes to the input part after nothing happens

  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, is inclusive range 0, stay smart.

1 answer


The problem is related to your variable l; It is defined by for:

for l in range(0,7):

When this for executes, the variable l increasing 0 to 6 and the print will print the 7 lines of the file on the screen. Then the variable l used in the for will be with the last value she assumed, that is to say, 6.

Continuing the program, further down you make a comparison:

if palavra == arquivo[l]:

This line is comparing the typed word with the seventh word of the list arquivo, for the value of l is 6, which is the value left over in this variable at the end of the for above;

That is to say, arquivo[l] is equivalent to arquivo[6] (for the value of l at this point is 6) what is a reference to the word "print".

If you type the word print, will receive the message certo; if you type anything else you will not receive any message.

  • It worked, but in case as I would for it to read all the words of the file and if it is equal it runs the print?

  • @Hype for this you would have to compare with all the words in the file, and not only with one; there are several ways to do this, one of them would be to put the comparison within the for, another would be to use the operator in, etc.

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