Share article on Facebook - Popup / Blank window


Viewed 765 times


From last week to now, when trying to share any content on my blog to Facebook, I get a popup or blank page within the Facebook domain.


In the past these same links could be shared without problem, displaying title, description and an image. Even now I paste the link manually on Facebook none of this appears.

What I’ve already tried?

  1. Beget OGP for the blog and articles (despite knowing that before worked without it):

    <meta content='' property='og:url'/>
    <meta content='O que é Data Science? Por onde começar?' property='og:title'/>
    <meta content='' property='og:image'/>
    <meta content='article' property='og:type'/>
    <meta content='Anthony Accioly' property='og:site_name'/>
  2. Host my images elsewhere.
  3. Change the Addthis other mechanisms, including share button official Facebook. They all have the same behavior.

The OGP Bugger Return me a message Failed to get composer template data. But you won’t tell me what failed.

Does anyone know how I get the sharing back to work? When clicking on a link it should display the sharing window as in this case: Share this question on Facebook.


  1. Why is the Facebook Share Button Displaying Blank Popup Window? - In this case the problem was with the image server.
  2. Facebook share button gives Blank popup for website homepage - It did not work in the URL without extension (in my case it does not work either in Urls without extension or Urls with extension . html)
  3. Share Facebook Popup Window Blank/Empty - Speaks of scraper Facebook and points to the Debugger, but it doesn’t tell me how to get around the problem.
  • The discussion in the comments was extending too much and was moved to the chat.

  • @bfavaretto, I wrote a reply trying to summarize the steps in the comments and my "solution" (just to have closure). Check with utluiz if the content is pertinent to the Stack Overflow (I thought you didn’t like it / encouraged the guys to participate). If it is not suitable material for the Stack Overflow is no problem, will become blog article that I managed to rescue from the darkness hehehe.

1 answer


Problem solved (what a pity that the reward went to limbo).

It all happened because of this favicon staying at Microsoft One Drive. The URL was blocked without warning. I even remembered to check the images but forgot the favicon.


According to the references of the question, many people are getting this error. In my case it was not a matter of setting up Multimedia, Javascript SDK or anything like that.

Facebook is encountering some error parsing the content of shared Urls. There is no indication of what the error would be, let alone why it occurs. What we know is that the sharer.php returns an empty page with code 500.

I made some testing by cloning the Markup from my blog to another address. I got the same result from the original address (error 500 / blank pop-up).

At the suggestion of the user @Guilherme Nascimento I then tried to create a page with Markup minimum at this address. Sharing worked smoothly.

Unfortunately when I tried to copy that same Markup minimum for an existing URL sharer didn’t work. At that moment two things became apparent:

  1. Something in the Markup of my page was breaking the sharer. Probably the Crawler Facebook was getting lost or getting an internal exception (timeout or something like that).
  2. Facebook maintains a cache of the URL information. While cache not invalidated cannot share page.

Actions Taken

  1. I spent a few days trying to isolate Markup of my page that would be responsible for the problem. I could not isolate them (but I kept a mock with the previous layout page if someone is interested in the challenge).
  2. I finally decided to "appeal". I discarded all my layout and started from scratch, in the process I got rid of heavier images and everything that was no longer needed (including Facebook metadata, background image, various scripts, etc). I realized that new posts were able to be shared; but the old posts were still unfortunately not working.
  3. Finally opened the Debugger of Scraper Facebook. For each URL that didn’t work I clicked the button Fetch New Scrape Information. The new information was then duly found and the sharer is back up and running.

To get into trouble like this, the best tool I could find was the Debugger from Facebook. With it you can extract new information with the Scraper owner of them until errors are resolved.

Example page with error

Example page without error

  • 1

    I confess that I researched about this problem and I did some tests on your blog, but it came to nothing. With this solution I can only think that it is a problem of cache internal Facebook itself. It would be interesting to submit a bug report to keep them in the loop, no?

  • 1

    I created a bug report. Let’s see if it draws attention... I don’t have high expectations, but will they surprise me.

  • In the end the bandit was the favicon hosted on the servers of Microsoft One Drive... I came to check and change some pictures but did not think of favicon. :(

  • 1

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen this question, our favicon, this really might be a good tip. I’m glad you found the problem. It would be interesting if sharer.php a minimum error message is displayed with the reply 500. But it sure was a great and useful tool, thanks for sharing. + 1

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