Error accessing Rstudio


Viewed 272 times


I’m trying to access Rstudio and this error appears: refused to connect. Try:

Check the connection Check proxy and firewall ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

if I go in cmd and der ping:

C: Windows system32> ping

I get the answer:

Firing with 32 bytes of data: Answer of bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 response: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Answer from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for Packages: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% of loss), Approximate a round number of times in milliseconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms


Typing in cmd Mongo, occurs:

Mongodb shell version v4.2.0 Connecting to: mongodb:// compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb 2020-01-28T20:00:33.327-0300 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn’t connect to server, Connection Attempt failed: Socketexception: Error Connecting to :: caused by :: No connection p to be made because the destiny machine has actively refused them. : connect@src/Mongo/shell/Mongo.js:341:17 @(connect):2:6 2020-01-28T20:00:33.330-0300 F - [main] Exception: connect failed 2020-01-28T20:00:33.330-0300 E - [main] exiting with code 1


How do I fix this? Is my localhost another ? Or what might be?

  • Have you checked if your version is compatible with the requirements or made reset rstudio state?

  • You happen to have Mongo in a container?

  • I didn’t reset. Is it good to reset or not reset ? No container. I installed it to study, I haven’t studied it yet, I haven’t used it. Then I went to install Rstudio. It was an error. I remembered that Mongo used localhost tbm, I tested there to see what gave, gave the context above.

  • Managed to solve? I made the resets here, but still does not open.

  • I reset and nothing. Then I formatted the pc. It worked.

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