How do I access the value of this array in javascript?


Viewed 229 times


Good morning, I’m wanting to access the data of this array in javascript

[{"nome":"Teste","descricao":"Apenas um Teste","ativo":"1","id":6},[{"nome":"Categoria"}]]

and I’m not getting it, the way I’m using it is console.log(var[0].nome), on the console displays as Undefined


my javascript code

function criaProduto(){
            prod = {
                nome: $('#nomeProduto').val() ,
                descricao: $('#descProduto').val(),
                codigo_barra: $('#codProduto').val(),
                ativo: 1,
                categoria_id: $('#categoriaProduto').val()
            $.post("/api/produtos", prod, function(data){

and php that makes the insertion of the data and the return

public function store(Request $request)
        $prod = new Produto();
        $prod->nome = $request->input('nome');
        $prod->descricao = $request->input('descricao');
        $prod->codigo_barra = $request->input('codigo_barra');
        $prod->ativo = $request->input('ativo');
        $prod->categoria_id = $request->input('categoria_id');
        $cat_id = $request->input('categoria_id');
        $cat = Categoria::select('nome')->where('id', $cat_id)->get();
        $teste = array($prod, $cat);
        return json_encode($teste);

Thank you in advance

  • Mark the correct answer when there is one, please

3 answers


You will access the same way in php:

var array = [{"nome":"Teste","descricao":"Apenas um Teste","ativo":"1","id":6},[{"nome":"Categoria"}]]


  • I updated my question, because I’m beginning to think I’m returning wrong... because it gave Undefined in this method that you passed


The problem is that you are not analyzing the JSON obtained from the server and so receive undefined when it does console.log(var[0].nome). Use the method JSON.parse() to parse a JSON string, constructing the value or a Javascript object described by the string.

const json = '[{"nome":"Teste","descricao":"Apenas um Teste","ativo":"1","id":6},[{"nome":"Categoria"}]]';

//Aqui faz a analise do JSON
const obj = JSON.parse(json);

//Descomente a próxima linha para "desfazer a análise do JSON" e obter o comportamento descrito na pergunta
//obj = json;




  • can access obj[0]. name but obj[1]. name as Undefined... sorry if it’s my stupid mistake, but by return it appears as if it’s an array inside the other, I’m a bit confused rs, I’ll try to copy the code and attaches in my question

  • @Faillen, Look at the syntax of your JSON for obj[1], the value is contained within another array you will have to access so obj[1][0]. name or adjust the formation of JSON in PHP

  • 1

    is managed here, with obj[1][0]. name, thank you, sorry for the beginner questions


if you are looking for json via ajax, try something like:

$.ajax({ type: "GET",   
     url: url,
     async: false,
     success : function(text)
        response = text;
        } else {
     error: function() { 
     } }).responseText;

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