Bower ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH, how to resolve?


Viewed 168 times


I am developing my first application in which I intend to use the Angularjs framework. To download the front-end dependencies I am using Bower, however when I write the command on CMD for me to do the installation:

bower install angularjs --save

Is returning me this following message:

bower ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH

Can someone explain why? Remembering that I installed GIT on my machine, you need to do some sort of configuration? I’d be grateful if you could help me!

1 answer


For those who go through the same problem as me, I discovered the cause and it’s very simple, this is due to the fact that you don’t have GIT installed, I had it installed on my machine, so I did the installation with the server open, I had to restart the server, after doing this I managed!

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