Run Automatic Update - Oracle


Viewed 263 times


I often run a Update on Oracle to change the status in my database, but I would like this update to run automatically, once a day.

UPDATE inativa_produto set compras = 'N', estoque = 'N', distribuição = 'N' em que data_final <sysdate

The above update checks the item inactivity surveillance data and is the same for the lower current data or column status (purchases, inventory and distribution) that are changed to 'N'.

In that case, how could I create a job to run or update above every day?

1 answer


In this case you can use a Job Scheduler to perform this procedure on a daily frequency.

The ideal is that you change the values of’S' and 'N' to 1 or 0 thinking about the performance issue, but following your update above, I advise you to create a process this way:



UPDATE inativa_produto
   SET compras = 'N', estoque = 'N', distribuição = 'N'
 WHERE data_final < TRUNC(SYSDATE); 


And create a Scheduler job using the dbms_scheduler package from Oracle:

  dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name            => 'NOME_DO_JOB',
                                job_type            => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
                                job_action          => 'P_INATIVA_PRODUTO',
                                start_date          => SYSDATE + INTERVAL '60' SECOND,
                                repeat_interval     => 'Freq=Daily;Interval=1',
                                end_date            => NULL,
                                job_class           => 'DBMS_JOB$',
                                enabled             => true,
                                auto_drop           => false,
                                comments            => '');

If you want to read the Oracle documentation:

  • Kauan, good afternoon! Thank you very much for the return.

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