I have the following problem, I am working with hours in php.
I have to calculate the time interval, between the start time and the end time, for this I am using the following code.
$entrada = $dados[$z]['hora_inicio'];
if($dados[$z]['hora_fim'] != ""){
$saida = $dados[$z]['hora_fim'];
$saida = date('H:i');
$entrada = explode( ':', $entrada );
$saida = explode( ':', $saida );
$minutos = ( $saida[0] - $entrada[0] ) * 60 + $saida[1] - $entrada[1];
if( $minutos < 0 ) $minutos += 24 * 60;
print sprintf( '%d:%d', $minutos / 60, $minutos % 60 );?>
And the format returned is 0:0
, but I need the following format 00:00
, some hint of how I can change the format, so that it stays 00:00?
To correct this would be enough to use:
instead of%d:%d
.– Inkeliz
thank you very much, meta as a response, because it worked perfectly
– Ricardo