What does #noqa in Python mean?


Viewed 586 times


Sometimes I find this comment in some Python code: #noqa.

What does it mean? It’s specific to Python?

  • 4

    NO Quality Assurance basically tells the line to be ignored by some programs that analyze source code.

2 answers


"No Q/A", that is, makes some tools(flake8 and pycodestyle ) ignore the errors contained in that specific line.

It’s style the // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define from Eslint, the Javascript style guide.

  • 4

    Note that these "errors" are actually inconsistencies with the formatting patterns defined in these tools; not syntax errors. In short, if I want to put a blank space where it suggests not by, I can use the noqa to omit warning messages about formatting.


How do we know that not even the creator of language knows? :P :D

Jokes aside, for the Python language itself means nothing, it is even more specific than Python. As can be seen in link above is just a comment like any other that has external tool that understands the semantics in a special way. From what was said there is how the Flake8 utility ignores the recommendations of PEP8 in its analysis (others may have also adopted).

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