i am trying to fill a Dropdownlist that has multiple values, from my "Edit" action, where I recover the objects Toonmoves containing One or More Effects and how The Effects May belong to several Toonmoves, a relationship arose N:N, according to the image below:
In my EDIT Action, I return to the view the object Toonmoves and in Viewbag the values of Effect
ToonMoves toonMoves = movesService.Get(id.Value);
ViewBag.Effects = new MultiSelectList(effectsService.GetAll(), "EffectID", "Name", toonMoves.MoveEffects);
ViewBag.ToonID = new SelectList(toonService.GetAll(), "ToonID", "Name");
ViewBag.TargetID = new SelectList(targetService.GetAll(), "TargetID", "TargetType", toonMoves.TargetID);
return View(toonMoves);
Note that already return to Viewbag as Multiselectlist, and in View, is like this:
@Html.DropDownList("idsEffects", (MultiSelectList)ViewBag.Effects, htmlAttributes: new { multiple = "multiple", @class = "selectpicker", data_style = "select-with-transition", title = "Choose Move Effects", data_size = "7" })
But in View, the field does not come with any selected value:
I need to make the object values Effects that are in the Object Toonmoves appear selected
My Dropdownlist has the name "idsEffects", because I get a list of the values in int, I search the objects in the table Effects and add in Moveeffects.
I need a solution to keep these values marked when loading the Edit View, I’m willing to try solutions in Jquery, Js, Angularjs... Can anyone help me? If I need to, I will provide more details. Thank you!
What you have in toonMoves.Moveeffects property?
– Jonathan de Toni
Contains Effects and Toonmoves Ids, as shown in the screenshot: link
– Bazz
And where are you declaring that these should come selected? you need to take to the view the list of items that the object has and when mounting the dropdown mark those that are contined in that list
– Leandro Angelo
I always use with an array by passing the id’s of the selected ones. Try to do the same, or try to pass the property (I don’t know if it works, never tested). For example: toonMoves.MoveEffects.ID
– Jonathan de Toni