Pouchdb is not set


Viewed 17 times


Hello, I am using Pouchdb on my website to store information, it is being started in index.html

var db = new PouchDB('teste');

It’s working exactly as I expected it to work, it’s been very useful actually, but I’m having a problem. I am trying to verify whether an item exists within Pouch by entering a specific route directly. Ex:


When accessing the url by that path I get the following error message:

Uncaught ReferenceError: db is not defined

How can I make this db already recognized even when entering directly a compound URL?

  • Wouldn’t have to put var db = new PouchDB('teste'); on all pages?

  • When placing on the page it creates a new one again, and my intention was to use a db that has already been created previously in the index

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