Is it correct to use bootstrap when finishing a project?


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Hello, so hear many say they use bootstrap in the completion of a project and wrong, I particularly do not like to work with front-end then I try to skip this part seeking some responsive theme ready and adapted to my taste, but as I already hear many say it is wrong I wonder if this really is true ? and if so, because ?

  • What exactly are you "finishing" if you still don’t have the front-end?

  • 1

    I did not understand what the relationship of Bootstrap with project completion, even more to say if it is wrong (or correct). Bootstrap is just a framework.

  • Then I take a bootstrap theme adapted and complete with my project and here comes the completion in the case with this bootstrap understood ?

  • @So Sam and because many told me that it is wrong to use the bootstrap in the final version or be the one that is already ready the project and can be put on the air, and that the correct is to use when creating the project to help you in the development more by what I am seeing and correct and have no problem at all

  • If you put it on the air without loading the Bootstrap libraries it will not work.

  • @Sam In case it would be when finishing the project take off the bootstrap theme and create your own theme or use one without being bootstrap, put me it just as help understood now ?

  • Netflix, CNN, and Salesforce, among several other websites, use Bootstrap. At the university where I work both the institutional side and the intranet use bootstrap. I’m curious as to the arguments that its use is 'wrong''.

  • I think you refer to a theme that probably won’t use all Bootstrap classes, so it would be "wrong" to import the entire Bootstrap into production since you will only use 30% of it. But do not worry, the situation is much worse for those who use Wordpress can believe.... All this talk is based on opinion, I cherish leaving it there in one piece and if in the future you need some class I already know it’s there. But if you want to do a Postcss or a Purgcss is on your own. If I understand your question

  • @Onosendai did not say that it is wrong I wanted to know if it is , they told me it was

  • @hugocsl Understood very well thank you!

  • @Thiagobomfim in this case the burden of justification is with those who made the statement.

  • If you can bring us the reasons why this person would say that, it would be interesting

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1 answer


Bootstrap is a front-end framework. Using it from the beginning or in another sentence of the project is no problem at all. As long as the framework is configured correctly with all imported classes, you can use it anytime you want, however you want. This is not wrong because it does not interfere with the functioning of your project. It is created to facilitate development and be put into production.

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