Java script: get the element by ID says it is NULL


Viewed 57 times


I am learning to code in javascript and I made a small code to sum two numbers. I put the result to be overwritten on top of "result", but this is not done. When using the chorme element inspect it says 'out1' cannot receive null.

    var n1 = window.document.getElementById(n1);
    var n2 = window.document.getElementById(n2);
    var n11 = Number.parseFloat(n1);
    var n22 = Number.parseFloat(n2);
    function somar() {
        var result = n11 + n22;
        var out1 = window.document.getElementById(out);
        out1.innerHTML = `${result}`

Snippet of HTML code:

    <h1>Fazendo a soma</h1>
<input type="number" name="txtn1" id="n1" />
<input type="number" name="txtn2" id="n2" />
<input type="button" value="Calcular" onclick="somar()" />
<p id="out">Resultado</p>
  • You have to take the values within the function and missed to put .value, in addition to the quotation marks as quoted in the answer below.

2 answers


ID name has to be passed as string.

Instead of (n1) and (N2), it has to be ('n1') and ('N2') or ("n1") and ("N2"), single or double quotes to indicate that it is string.

Another point is that you need to inform what you want of the element, which in this case, you want the value of it, so you have to add the ". value" at the end.

Then everything repeats itself every time you click on the button, then everything is part of the add function, that is, it moves everything into the function.

Example fixed and working on snippet below:

function somar() {

    var n1 = window.document.getElementById('ns1').value; // <<-- Aqui é 'n1' com aspas simples ou duplas
    var n2 = window.document.getElementById('n2').value; // <<-- Aqui é 'n2' com aspas simples ou duplas
    var n11 = Number.parseFloat(n1);
    var n22 = Number.parseFloat(n2);
    var result = n11 + n22;
    var out1 = window.document.getElementById('out');
            out1.innerHTML = `${result}`
<h1>Fazendo a soma</h1>

<input type="number" name="txtn1" id="ns1" />

<input type="number" name="txtn2" id="n2" />

<input type="button" value="Calcular" onclick="somar()" />

<p>Resultado: <span id="out"></span></p>

I hope I’ve helped.

  • I made the recommended changes but still not working.

  • I adjusted the answer there with the adjustments, now it’s 100%.

  • 1

    Thank you. Your reply and that of the colleague below helped me to resolve the doubt.


There are some errors in your code, let’s go by parts.

1º) To take an HTML element with the method document.getElementById(), you must pass to it a string, which does not happen. You are passing a variable there, but this variable does not have the name of the HTML element you want to take.

2º) The same happens within the function somar(), where, instead of a string, you pass a variable to the method document.getElementById(). Therefore, when you pass an argument to a method without using quotation marks, the interpreter will understand that that argument is a variable, constant, function, etc. When it does not find an error, as in your code.

3º) With the method document.getElementById(), you are trying to take the element, not the value that is inside it. To take the value of a input, you must do document.getElementById('nomeDoElemento').value.

That said, theoretically your code should work like this:

    n1 = window.document.getElementById('n1').value;
    n2 = window.document.getElementById('n2').value;
    function somar() {
        var n11 = Number.parseFloat(n1);
        var n22 = Number.parseFloat(n2);
        var result = n11 + n22;
        var out1 = window.document.getElementById('out');
        out1.innerHTML = `${result}`
<h1>Fazendo a soma</h1>
<input type="number" name="txtn1" id="n1" />
<input type="number" name="txtn2" id="n2" />
<input type="button" value="Calcular" onclick="somar()" />
<p id="out">Resultado</p>

However, it still doesn’t work as expected. We receive a NaN (not a number) when we click the add button, because, when we click, inside the function somar(), n1 and n2 sane null. The reason they are null, is that they are declared at the top of the code, and how the code is interpreted from top to bottom, when passing through that part of the code, the interpreter tries to assign the value of the input to them, BUT THE INPUT HAS NOT YET BEEN REDENRIZED.

To get around this, we can, for example, declare the variables n1 and n2 only within the function somar(), so, when we click the add button, we will make sure that they will not receive null, since the inputs (HTML elements) have already been rendered.

Thus, the correct code is as follows:

    function somar() {
        var n1 = window.document.getElementById('n1').value;
        var n2 = window.document.getElementById('n2').value;
        var n11 = Number.parseFloat(n1);
        var n22 = Number.parseFloat(n2);
        var result = n11 + n22;
        var out1 = window.document.getElementById('out');
        out1.innerHTML = `${result}`
<h1>Fazendo a soma</h1>
<input type="number" name="txtn1" id="n1" />
<input type="number" name="txtn2" id="n2" />
<input type="button" value="Calcular" onclick="somar()" />
<p id="out">Resultado</p>

  • Thank you, solved my problem. And thank you for taking the time to explain in detail, helped me to understand better.

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