Static folder without compiling on Vue-cli and being able to change its values menualmente after published


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I have a site in vueJS that I publish in every client of mine. this site consumes endpoints. For client A I have For client B I have What I did didn’t work out:

  1. JSON file

I created a JSON file in the Static directory that has { endpoint: ""}

  1. HTTP service in my serviceshttp I read this json to get the correct url.

  2. Build site give a build on the site The build is via du Vue-cli

  3. Changing Json after published take the Static folder and change the url for each client initially in the same hand.


By what I see I give a build it takes the values of this JSON and injects in my code so do not postpone after the build I change the value.

Is there any way I can do this?

  • Is it just the URL that changes? I would do using environment variables, you would have a .env.clientea a .env.clienteb with the respective urls of each client, take a look at

  • but I would have to compile every single change. The idea was to leave it in a json and I would take the post and just swap the json content. all I realized when I do this is that the json is being compiled together and I didn’t want to, my idea was to read the json while using the site

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