How to force element state of the HTML template?


Viewed 81 times


Using the CSS framework Materialize, I came across the following situation. I own some fields <input> with <label> as the example:

<label for="name">Nome</label>
<input type="text"

What generates this result:

Campo com o label ocupando a área de texto como padrão

So I changed the element <label> adding the class .active, as shown in documentation:

<label for="name" class="active">Nome</label>
<input type="text"

What generates the desired result:

campo modificado para o resultado desejado exemplo do resultado desejado

However, if I select the empty field and click out of it without writing anything it goes back to its original state. How can I force the field to the "active" state (force the page behavior to as if the field was filled)?

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    If your code is the same in the two references in your question, shouldn’t you have a class? Another thing, take a look at this, see if it solves, I believe that the field should have a placeholder as in the last image...

  • @hugocsl thanks, I added the class. On the link, solved my problem. But there is a way to force the state of a component in the way I described?

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    Puts an empty placeholder in the input: <input placeholder ...>

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    Yes, in the Blur you go back to class like <input type="text" onblur="this.classList.add('ativo');"> has to see if this will have more force than the JS that removes the class, if it does not work puts in a separate js and indexes after the js of Materialize. Maybe with the empty placeholder like @sam said too...

  • I haven’t tried it but suddenly it might help. Supposing you have one FormGroup with the name meuFormGroup, you could use the property touched of FormControl nome to inject the CSS class: <input [ngClass]="{ active: }" type="text" formControlName="name" id="name" />. The touched will only be true when the event onBlur is fired into the component.

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