I’m using the Select2 JQuery
to present the selects of a system I’m developing.
I have a field that type the ZIP code and select must have its value changed and presented to the user.
My script de teste
is currently like this:
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cep" id="cep" >
<select name="estado" data-init-plugin="select2">
<option value="AC">Acre</option>
<option value="RR">Roraima</option>
<option value="RO" selected>Rondônia</option>
$("#cep"). Blur(Function() {
$('.state option[value="AC"]'). attr({ Selected : "Selected" }); });
The above code "is functional", the value of select
is changed in the back but the value that is presented to the user is not changed.
I looked in the documentation of Select2, but I could not find the way to change also the value shown.
Another test I did was to change the class select2-selection__rendered
which is generated by Select2. It actually worked, but if you have more selects
in the form that also use Select2, all selects are changed.
Código alterando a classe rendered da Select2
$('.Select2-selection__rendered'). html('AC'). attr("title", 'AC');
Someone could tell us how to manipulate Select2 for this purpose?