How to make dynamic animations with CSS3?


Viewed 412 times


I know how to make animations with Transition, Rotate + :Hover or triggering class change with JS.

But what if I want a CSS3 animation that when rendered it does more than one move without being 'limited' to a pair of keys'?

ps: At the moment I am looking for solutions that dispense the use of jQuery or any other lib. For the reason of leaving the application more "raw" and light.

  • 1

    Sorry, it was not very clear. What would be a dynamic animation?

  • @rnxn I found what I wanted: it’s called keyframe

  • 1

    @ropbla9 If you’re up for it, share what you found in a reply! I didn’t know this keyframe, but after a quick look it seemed quite interesting... :)

1 answer


Just complementing what you already found there for the guys you don’t know yet.

CSS3 animations can be created using the property @keyframes, which by the way is a very powerful property.

It can be defined as follows::

@keyframes nome_da_animacao {
    /* Passos */
    from {
        /* Estado inicial */
    to {
        /* Estado final */

You can still set the steps for the animation in percentage instead of from and to

@keyframes nome_da_animacao {
    /* Passos */
    0% {
        /* Estado inicial */
    50% {
        /* Estado aos 50% da animação */
    100% {
        /* Estado final */

Right after you create your animation, to add it to the element just use the property Animation.

#elemento {
    /* nome_da_animacao + propriedades */
    animation: nome_da_animacao 1s infinite;

According to the MDN documentation the property animation has the following settings:

Unfortunately it is still necessary to use prefixes so that it works well in most modern browsers; both in the animation declaration, and when applying to the element.

Follow an example of animation using the @keyframes:

Great article on CSS Tricks talking about:

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