SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error on or near ":" Position: 683


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I am trying to make a query with CONCAT, Seto the values I wish only that returns syntax error

SQL Error [42601]: ERRO: erro de sintaxe em ou próximo a ":"
Position: 683
select  processador.cd_code,
    rdo.vl_speed|| ' Km/h' velocidade

from tbgen_rdo rdo
    INNER JOIN tbgen_processor processador ON rdo.id_processor = processador.id_processor
    INNER JOIN ( select     lane.nm_lane,
             from tbdctos4x_processor dctosproc
            inner join tbdctos4x_lane lane ON lane.id_dctos_processor = dctosproc.id_dctos_processor
        ) as endereco
            ON endereco.nm_lane = rdo.nm_lane AND endereco.id_general_processor = processador.id_processor
where rdo.dt_record_pass >= to_timestamp(CONCAT(concat($P{PARAM_FILTER_DATE_INI},' '), $P{PARAM_FILTER_HOUR_INI}),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and 
rdo.dt_record_pass <= to_timestamp(CONCAT(concat($P{PARAM_FILTER_DATE_END},' '), $P{PARAM_FILTER_HOUR_END}),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and rdo.ds_license_plate <> '#######'
order by rdo.tbgen_rdo
  • Exclusively in Postgresql works perfectly: teste=# SELECT to_timestamp(CONCAT(concat('15/01/2020',' '), '15:37:49'),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); gives as a result: to_timestamp &#xA;------------------------&#xA; 2020-01-15 15:37:49-03&#xA;(1 registro)&#xA;.

  • Poise, I discovered that actually it was not a syntax error but that the values returned in the variables were not in the format of the mask.

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