List within a Dictionary


Viewed 104 times


I have a method that receives a list of products, goes through this list and needs to return n lists of products separated by CNAE. I’m trying to come back as a dictionary, but then the doubt hits. If after adding an item to the list, during the first time, the second time I can add one more item to the list? I did it this way.

public IValidationResult GerarListas(List<TPV_PedidoItemInfo> Items, string TipoOS)
            IValidationResult result = ValidationResult.Clear();
                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions { Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0) }))

                    List<string> osTiposItens = new List<string>();

                    Dictionary<string, List<TPV_PedidoItemInfo>> listas = new Dictionary<string, List<TPV_PedidoItemInfo>>();
                    string key = "items";

                    foreach (TPV_PedidoItemInfo item in Items)
                        TAS_ProdutoInfo Produto = uow.TAS_ProdutoRepository.FindById(item.IDProduto);
                        if (Produto == null)
                            result.Add("Produto não encontrado!");
                            return result;

                        if (item.TipoItem != "I")
                            if (Produto.CNAE != null)
                                key += Produto.CNAE;
                                if (!listas.ContainsKey(key))
                                    listas.Add(key, new List<TPV_PedidoItemInfo> { item });
                                else {

                                if (!osTiposItens.Contains(key))

                    result.Object = new { listas};

            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Object = new { ex };
            return result;

1 answer


Apparently the mistake is on the line key += Produto.CNAE;. By doing the += within a foreach your key doesn’t have the value you expect.

Put the key creation (string key = "items";) within the foreach and should already have the expected result.

Another option would be to use only Produto.CNAE like Key, making key = Produto.CNAE.

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