Plyer installation didn’t work, how to make it?


Viewed 59 times


I’m trying to make an app that can send a notification to the user on his phone. For this I found the plyer package, so I used the linux commands to do the installation:

`git clone`
 `cd plyer`
 `python build`
 `sudo pip install -e .`

and within the file . py wrote the following command lines to call the method to send:

`from import App 
 from kivy.uix.screenmnager import ScreenManager, Screen
 from plyer import notification      
 class Gerenciador(ScreenManager):
 class Tela(Screen):
     def notify(self, *args):
           notification.notify(title="Notificação",message="Mensagem enviada"
 class app(App):
      def build(self):
            return Gerenciador()
 if __name__ == '__main__':

In this case I used a file. Kv to build a button inside, and set an event for when pressing the button it calls the notify() method of the root widget. So far so good, I can run on the computer within the virtual environment and everything, but when I step to the mobile the app does not even open. Thanks for your help!!

1 answer


You came to look at the file setup py.? it has written that:

For Android install additional dependency PyJNIus::
    pip install

I don’t know if it solves your problem, but take a look and try to install this dependency.

  • I confess that I did not look, I did the installation and put it in the requirements, but still it wasn’t, buildozer compiles, and I can even do the installation, only when opening and running the app it doesn’t happen.

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