Android Studio How to reference Activity within a Static method


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I needed to create a static method in the main Activity, because Firebase is not accepting Framents within the CreateUserWithEmailAndPassword.

I would like to know how I refer to the main Activity within the mode Static.

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This code is inside the activity_cadastro, because inside the Fragment, Firebase is not accepting.

So I’m collecting the data in the Fragment (fragment_usuario), I place this data (email, password, etc) inside an object User and pass this object User by parameter to the activity_cadastro.

How the method is Static, the This is not being referenced.

  • That method must be Static? By making it Static another problem has been created. Normally, a solution that creates another problem is not the best approach. Cannot use this "directly" can pass it to the method. I do not know if it will be possible and does not guarantee that other problems arise.

  • Do you really need an Activity? Is it not a Context that is needed? See How to obtain the context in a Fragment? and What difference between methods to obtain a context?

  • To answer the questions: @Ramaral Yes... It had to be Static because I wasn’t able to solve the question of Contextso I was using a method I created in another Activity. It seems that your second comment solved my problem. I managed to add the user. Toast is not showing the result of the errors, but this I see on another occasion. Thank you.

  • @Ramaral, unfortunately I can’t or I don’t know how to mark your comment as an answer. But thank you.

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