Build with Maven does not find lib in Artifacts


Viewed 61 times


I’m building a pipeline in Azure Devops to build java projects with Maven.

When trying to download libs in Artifacts the following error appears

Caused by: org.eclipse.Aether.resolution.Artifactresolutionexception: Could not find Artifact in

But when consulting in Artifacts I find the lib

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Does anyone know what to do for Maven to find that lib?

1 answer


For the error message, Maven is not finding the Maven Central packages.

For this to work you need to set up Maven Central as upstream from your Artifacts feed.

You can check this settings in your feed settings, Upstream sources > Add upstream source

Then select the option Select the URL feed and select Maven Central.

Reference: Use Packages from Maven Central

  • 1

    Thank you for Reply , I tried to do what you said, it worked for all other artifacts except for those of the oracle, To solve the problem I made a provisionally fixed Alternative Solution (Gambiarra ) which consists of going up the oracle lib to a separate file and build time using <dependency> <groupid></groupid> <artifactId>ojdbc14</artifactId> <version></version> <Scope>system</Scope> <systemPath>${basedir}/src/jar/ojdbc14-</systemPath> </dependency>

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