Convert sql dates to Brazilian format in PHP


Viewed 102 times


Good afternoon guys, I am not able to display and convert sql dates that were REGISTERED, I want to display in Brazilian format, someone can help me?



if (isset($_GET["pesquisa"])) {
$nome = $_GET["pesquisa"];
$sql = "SELECT numero_de_processo, paciente, data_de_entrada, convenio, tipo_de_internacao, data_saida FROM internacoes WHERE paciente LIKE '%$nome%' ORDER BY paciente ASC";

$sql = "SELECT numero_de_processo, paciente, data_de_entrada, convenio, tipo_de_internacao, data_saida FROM internacoes ORDER BY paciente ASC";

$resultado = mysqli_query($link, $sql);

$inc = 0;

while ($cont = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado)) {
    echo "


                 <a href='vizuinternacao.php?numero_de_processo=".$cont['numero_de_processo']."&paciente=".$cont['paciente']." target='new_blank'>
                <span class='role orange'> 
               <i class='fa fa-eye'></i>

                 <a href='edit_internacao.php?numero_de_processo=".$cont['numero_de_processo']."&paciente=".$cont['paciente']." target='new_blank'>
                <span class='role user'> 
               <i class='fa fa-edit'></i>

1 answer


I use a function for that:


and the function:

function Converte_Data($data){
$data_nova = implode(preg_match("~\/~", $data) == 0 ? "/" : "-", array_reverse(explode(preg_match("~\/~", $data) == 0 ? "-" : "/", $data)));
return $data_nova;}

The "Function" part, leaves inside the php block at the beginning of the page, the call changes your code this way:


With this the function will be called passing the date as it comes from the database and returning the formatted date to our default.


  • Thanks for the answer... I am new to programming, the page is returning error, I do not know what to replace in this your code and where to put... If you can help me, I’d be very grateful.

  • Edited response to improve past information.

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