Making queries in the bank through form using Django


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I am starting studies on the use of the Django framework and I am trying to query the database using a form to return a specific value in the database. Follow my template:

<form method="GET"> 
{% csrf_token %} 
    <div class="card-body"> 
        <h3 style="text-align:center;">Preencha os dados para pesquisar os dados!</h3>
        <input class="input col-md-12" type="text" name="cpf" placeholder="CPF" maxlength="11" style="margin: 4% 0% 2% 0%;">

{% for results in result %} 
        <td>{{ results }}</td>
{% endfor %} 

Follow my view:

def consulta(request):
cpf = request.GET('cpf')
result = Login.objetos.filter(cpf)
return render(request, 'pesquisa.html',{'result': result})

When I fill in the form and click to search the page reloads but does not return the result of the query.

  • Your template is missing for inserting the result content

  • I was making other changes to try to make it work and I put the form in the template, it was like this now:

  • <method="GET"> {% csrf_token %} <div class="card-body"> <H3 style="text-align:center;">Fill in the data to search the data! </H3> <input class="input col-Md-12" type="text" name="Cpf" placeholder="CPF" maxlength="11" style="margin: 4% 0% 2%0%"> <button>Search</button> </div> </form> <> <tr> <th>RESULT</th> </tr> {% for Results in result %} <tr> <td>{{ Results }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table>

  • does not return anything? inside the view try to print the result to see if it is restoring something from the database

  • It does not return, I put the print inside the view, but does not print anything, by the console I see that is going the content typed in the input, however, does not come any return

  • Have you tried to see if there is data inside the Cpf variable ? if it is in the right format when you query the login screen

  • By default requests.GET returns None if you have a problem(do not find the key )

  • I don’t know if there is another way, but by the terminal I see that the variable receives the data, the strange thing is that the GET does not return None or null.

  • You must fix objects with Objects.

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1 answer


I think that line:

result = Login.objetos.filter(cpf)

is not correct, you should point out which field or attribute of your model should be equal to the value of the CPF variable.

result = Login.objetos.filter(<nome_atributo_model>=cpf)

I don’t remember seeing the . filter() function being used the way you used it.

  • I tried to put it that way, but I had no response. From the examples I saw on the net in the form no action is defined to point to a specific page or url, then I get confused if the url is accessing the function inside the view or not

  • the url that loads the HTML you reported is pointing to the function you created?

  • I can’t tell you, since I’m starting school now, I’m still a little lost. As I do not define any action in the form it is difficult to say whether the function is being called.

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