Connect Sql Server 2014 to Django 2.2


Viewed 272 times


I am trying to connect the Sql Server database to Django but am getting the following error(The connector I am using is Django-pyodbc-Azure):

Django.db.utils.Interfaceerror: ('IM002', '[IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Name of data source not found and no default driver specified (0) (Sqldriverconnect)')

The configuration:

'default': {
    'ENGINE': 'sql_server.pyodbc',
    'NAME': 'name',
    'USER': 'user',
    'PASSWORD': '1234',
    'HOST': '\test',
    'PORT': '1433',



Someone could help with that?

  • That answers your question? Connect SQL Server database to Django

  • The error occurs precisely when trying to use the Django-pyodbc-Azure Nector, which is the suggested setting in the link response.

  • I think the odbc driver is missing. In the package description on Pip there are some

1 answer


The problem is the compatibility between Django and python, when I used pyodbc with Python 3.4.4 and Django == 2.2.4 worked, and that’s what I did:

-install Python 3.4.4 CMD Pip install virtualenv test

virtual test

. \ Scripts enable

Pip install Django == 2.2.4 Pip install Django-mssql

Pip install

Django-admin startproject meuprojeto.

Modify settings database

 DATABASES = {    'default': {
>        'ENGINE': 'sqlserver_ado',
>        'HOST': 'USER-PC\SQL2019',  # Substitua pelo nome do host em que o servidor MSSQL está sendo executado
>        'NAME': 'test',  # Substitua pelo nome do banco de dados no servidor MSSQL
>        'USER': 'USER',  # Substitua pelo nome de usuário
>        'PASSWORD': '1234',  # Substitua pela senha    }, }
  • I did according to your reply but received the following error: Django.core.exceptions.Improperlyconfigured: 'sqlserver_ado' isn’t an available database backend

  • do 'ENGINE': 'sql_server.pyodbc',put the ENGINE you intend to use.

  • Have a look have an answer to this problem.

  • I followed that answer before asking, but then I got the error I put in the question. I tried other connectors too but still can not connect.

  • 1

    Beware that Python 3.4 this time is very old and is no longer supported, nor with security updates

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