How do I create DESTROY link with Slim?


Viewed 101 times


I’m starting with Rails, and I’m not able to link to delete a "post" from the site.

Follows how the links are new and edit

p.btn = link_to "Editar informações", edit_property_path(@property) if current_user == @property.user

p.btn = link_to "Editar imagens", new_property_media_content_path(@property) if current_user == @property.user

p.btn = link_to "Excluir
", property_path(@property) if current_user == @property.user, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete

Shows the error:

syntax error, Unexpected ',', expecting ')'

  • Good Morning! You could show the entire code of your index.html.slim

1 answer


Buenas, is wrong the way you are using the check inside the link Excluir. Vale recalls that the link_to is a method so what you send to it are the parameters, should not put the check there to show or not the link.

Follow your refactored example: if current_user == @property.user p.btn= link_to "Editar informações", edit_property_path(@property) p.btn= link_to "Editar imagens", new_property_media_content_path(@property) p.btn= link_to 'Excluir', property_path(@property), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => 'Are you sure?'}

  • Hello Jean, thank you for the answer!! I ended up solving with "= link_to "Delete", property_path, method: :delete, date: {confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this property? '} if current_user == @Property.user" See that without "(@Property)". So the if current_user check == @Property.user works and the link only appears to the user who posted the immovable.. Hug

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