I’m having a problem making one LEFT JOIN in Crystal Reports. From what I’ve researched, it’s a classic SQL problem when using criteria WHERE crossing with the LEFT JOIN. I tried to solve every way, but I couldn’t.
There are 4 related tables: [Orchdr] [Ordemproduction] [Itemnota] [Notasfiscais]
I am interested in a report with all orders with OP, INCLUDING those that have not yet been invoiced, except for some that are specified
Here is the SQL:
(("TABELA"."dbo"."OrcHdr" "OrcHdr"
"TABELA"."dbo"."OrdensProducao" "OrdensProducao" ON
"TABELA"."dbo"."ItemNota" "ItemNota" ON "OrdensProducao"."NumOrdem"="ItemNota"."NumOrdem")
"TABELA"."dbo"."NotasFiscais" "NotasFiscais" ON "ItemNota"."ObjID_Nota"="NotasFiscais"."ObjID"
("ItemNota"."Devolucao" IS NULL OR "ItemNota"."Devolucao"<>'D') AND ("ItemNota"."Fatura" IS NULL OR "ItemNota"."Fatura"='F') AND
("NotasFiscais"."Situacao" IS NULL OR "NotasFiscais"."Situacao"='N') AND ("NotasFiscais"."NaturezaOperacao" IS NULL OR NOT ("NotasFiscais"."NaturezaOperacao" LIKE 'doa%' OR "NotasFiscais"."NaturezaOperacao" LIKE 'reme%'))
ORDER BY "OrcHdr"."NumOrcamento"
What is actually happening is that I only get the Ops that have already been invoiced, that is, that are present in the tables [Itemnota] and [Notasficais].
What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure it’s AND even, not OR ? (I’m guessing, details are missing on your question of what you need to happen).
– Bacco
It is AND even, all conditions must be met at the same time. What I need is a report, in a given time interval, with information from all "Ordensproducao"." Numordem", including those not present in Itemnota.
– Cassio Milanelo
Could be the type of Join chosen, no? See if this helps: What is the difference between Ner Join and Uter Join?
– Bacco
The Crystal Report entered history with Pilate in the Creed as the ancient say ...
– Motta