Autowired instance with null value


Viewed 117 times



I am working on a Spring Boot project that depends on other project, these projects are my entities, services and the like.

I use the note Autowired to inject my dependencies, example:

TermService termService;

Works perfectly on mine controller, however the project grew and decided to create new classes in a new package.

And that’s when the problem arises, when I use the Autowired in these new classes no dependency is injected and the object remains null.

I looked it up and all I could find was the note Component in the classes, however it did not work.

Project structure

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  • Post more details on the structure of your project, as well as the structure of your dependency

  • It is a conventional Spring Boot design, has no special configuration.

  • Can be several things, without the structure of the project can not help

  • But what do you need? Because if you are going to post the whole structure of the project the question will become giant, as I said earlier is a conventional structure of a Spring Boot project, as it is a standard project I see no need to post this part that every Spring Boot project has.

  • All over again I asked this in question, created a package and created new classes within this package, that’s what’s new in the project.

  • Package structure, the main class annotated with @SpringBootApplication, the package and the class presenting injection problem (all with Imports :) )

  • The class with the annotation "Springbootapplication" there are no changes, it is like in a new project, only has the "main" and inside the command ""

  • Now the class is a new class too, there’s nothing in it, I just created a new class and took the code that was in the controller and put it there.

  • What happens is that when I put the "Autowired" in this new class the injection does not work.

  • I agree with @nullptr about posting more details. Naming and organizing project directories influence a lot of Spring projects.

  • A print of the organization by the IDE already helps.

  • @Gustavo changed the question and put the structure print, the folder "build" was the one I created

  • It looks OK. Somewhere in your code you use without spring injection: new TermService() ?

  • I have to write a lot to send the answer, the answer is: No

  • Already used the Can packageScan?

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2 answers



I used "Autowired" in a class that I installed manually, or I used "new" to use it, so Spring does not inject the dependency.


The class that was instantiated manually put the "@Component" annotation, so all its dependencies have been filled in.


It would help to know the version you’re using, but come on.

Use the Spring annotation @ComponentScan next to the @SpringBootApplication and configure the custom base package (you can specify a list of package names or a list of classes whose package will be used), for example:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"outroPacote", "..."})
public class Application


@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {otherpackage.MyClass.class, ...})
public class Application

Or if you are using a version that is from Spring 1.3.0, you can write directly:

@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackageClasses = {otherpackage.MyClass.class, ...})
public class Application

Note that the 'Component scan' will find classes inside and below the packages you have placed.

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