Track gps coordinates of one device and show in another


Viewed 535 times


I’m learning to use the Intel XDK to develop for mobile. And I wanted to know how you do to track the position of one device and show on the screen in another, just like Easy Taxi does. Can anyone help in this?! vlw guys!

1 answer


Well, this is a matter of application architecture as a whole, so let’s imagine that we have two devices A and B.

Check the position of an appliance A is available through Cordova / phonegap methods:

Navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition or Navigator.geolocation.watchPosition

The first takes the current position and the second is monitoring.

Once the geolocation of the device has been obtained It can send this information to a Web application through a service (this depends on its architecture)while device B is monitoring this service to receive the location of device A and show on the screen on a map or whatever you prefer.

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