Full Description for a flag in a List/Ienumerable in C# Asp Net MVC


Viewed 44 times


I have a list of records, where I have a Status (STS_BANCO) with values (A of Active and I of Inactive, P awaiting approval, and N analyze, among others ) where in the table I recorded "A,I,N,P", And I also have a table I call List, where I record the flg A and the Active Description and all the other complete Descriptions, but I would like him to show me the Active or Inactive and the others, with the full description on the list. I use the Grid formatting.

Follows code below.

@model IEnumerable<PadraoMVC.Models.BANCO>

    ViewBag.Title = "Banco - Listar";
    var grid = new WebGrid(source: Model, rowsPerPage: 10, canSort: true, canPage: true);

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <br />

    <h2>Listagem de Bancos Cadastrados </h2>
    <br />

    headerStyle: "head",
    alternatingRowStyle: "alt",
    grid.Column("IDE_BANCO", "ID"),
    grid.Column("NUM_BANCO", "Banco"),
    grid.Column("DES_BANCO", "Descrição"),
    grid.Column("STS_BANCO", "Status"),
    //aqui ele mostra A por exemplo, gostaria de Mostrar "Ativo"
    grid.Column("DAT_INCLUSAO", "Data Inclusão"),
    grid.Column("NOM_LOGIN_INCLUSAO", "Responsável"),
    grid.Column("DAT_ALTERACAO", "Data Alteração"),
    grid.Column("NOM_LOGIN_ALTERACAO", "Responsável Alteração"),
    grid.Column("NUM_IP_INCLUSAO", "IP Inclusão"),
    grid.Column(format: @<div>
        <a href="EditarBanco/@item.IDE_BANCO">Editar</a><br />
        <a href="ExcluirBanco/@item.IDE_BANCO">Excluir</a>
    </div>) ),
            firstText: "Primeiro",
            previousText: "Anterior",
            nextText: "Proximo",
            lastText: "Ultimo",
            mode: WebGridPagerModes.All
        <br />

        @Html.Hidden("dir", grid.SortDirection)
        @Html.Hidden("col", grid.SortColumn) 

    <ul class="optul">
        <li class="optli">
            @Html.ActionLink("Voltar","Index", "Banco")
    <br /><br /><br />
  • Not related to the question, but I believe that the tags are not correct meta within the body. They should be in head.

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